How to check if string contains substring in java

In Java application development, working with strings is a fundamental task, as strings are used in almost every program. One of the common challenges when manipulating strings is checking if a String contains a substring in Java. This operation can be key in situations such as keyword searching, validating user input, or processing large amounts … Read more

Remove an Element from ArrayList in Java

The java.util.ArrayList class is part of the Collections Framework and is a data structure that allows you to store elements in a format similar to an array, but dynamically. Unlike traditional arrays, the size of an ArrayList can be modified at runtime as elements are added or removed. This feature of the ArrayList will make … Read more

Java main() Method

The Java main() method serves as an entry point for an application. It is a block of code that is executed when the program is started. The main() method is required to start the execution of a program in Java and is a mandatory part of every Java application. Let us dive deeper into the … Read more

Write your first Java program

In the world of programming, a “Hello World!” program serves as an introduction for people who are unfamiliar with a particular programming language, providing a simple example to demonstrate the basic syntax and functionality of the language. This article will guide you through the process of creating your first Java program, providing step-by-step instructions and … Read more

Introduction to Java

Known for its concurrent and object-oriented nature, Java embodies the concept of “write once, run everywhere.” Originally developed by Sun Microsystems and later acquired by Oracle, Java has evolved into a comprehensive platform with a wide range of standard and open source APIs, along with a thriving developer community. What is Java? Java is a … Read more